Friday, April 7, 2017

Developing Independent Learners

This term we've focused on the Key Competency of Managing Self. This Key Competency encompasses many of the skills needed for independent life-long learning. We examined these skills during Circle Time and thought about which skills we needed to develop. Then we set ourselves some goals and used our Passion Project time to practise these skills. 

We practised Making Plans...
Our rule is technology can only be used for producing new things during Passion Project time. Here students are watching Youtube videos to get ideas for science experiments they'd like to try. They are writing a list of what they need to do these experiments.

We practised Stickability - staying with a project for an entire session or longer...
When the children wanted to make slime they had to show great patience and stickability. Once they had written their 'shopping list' it took me nearly two weeks to find the right type of glue. For those who were patient and had done the initial research, it was worth it in the end!

Messy and exciting - science is always popular in Passion Project time. But the students also know after the fun there is cleaning up to be done.

Click this link to watch our baking soda volcano

We practised Meeting Challenges...
One of the challenges I set is students must use Passion Project time to learn something new, or to teach someone something new. It can be comfortable to always do the same thing but trying something new can lead to new interests and new skills. Teaching someone also requires managing you impulse to take over and do everything for your student rather than let them make their own mistakes.

And there's the challenge of working with someone you may never have worked with.

Using the Stop Motion app to make mini movies is a popular passion with some students.

Click on this link to watch one of our Stop Motion Videos

We practised Organising our Time...
To get things achieved students need to organise their own equipment (both getting it out and putting it away). They need to get started quickly and remain focused. They also need to deal with the disappointment of not finishing in the allocated time, and carefully save their work to complete next time.

Learning to draw from Youtube clips is a huge class passion. We are developing some amazing artists

We practised Taking Responsible Risks...
Many of our students love getting outside and getting active. To combine this passion with learning something new, they learnt to film their exploits and turn it into an iMovie trailer.  

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