Friday, May 19, 2017

Stone Soup - Collaboration and Unity

On Thursday a mysterious stranger visited Rua and taught us the secret of making soup from a stone. By the end we had something delicious to eat, and had begun exploring our school value of Collaboration and Unity. 

During the week, students had been asked to bring in something small like a carrot, potato, handful of lentils, or vegetable stock. Here are our raw ingredients.

We were fortunate to have two of our wonderful mums on hand to help the children as they prepared their item for the soup.

It was fantastic to see the children learning new skills like peeling, grating and chopping. We couldn't provide experiences like this without the support of the community. Thank you a million times!

Some of the children really surprised us with their skills - chopping up carrots and potatoes like expert mini chefs.

Our mysterious stranger was also on hand to make sure all the children got involved in the preparation. An important part of Unity and Collaboration is making sure everyone contributes their skills and ideas. Done the right way, collaboration can produce something that is much better than we could do on our own.

We had lots of fun with our morning which also involved a bit of drama and play acting. Thanks to our student teacher Whaea Fi who dug into our dress up box and took on the role of our mysterious stranger.

After bubbling away in the crock pots for the morning our soup was ready for lunch. Mmmm yum!

Stone soup is an old story that is found in many cultures. There are many versions. This is the one we watched.

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